Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, June 4, 2010


I am in our reality, but I am sleeping, or I was sleeping. What I am about to attempt, is to explain my dream.
In my dream, the world events in life that are unfolding were happening in my dream too, only they were escalated. Not quite near Apocalypse style, but inevitable, with the direction this life is headed. Everything in my dream was vivid, as real as you and I sitting at our computers right this very moment. In my dream however, I never got a look at my form, it was just that I existed as an energy of life, being shown what the life my energy was about to live. I was also feeling an enormous amount of love from where my energy of life was coming from and from where my energy of life was headed. In my dream I was scared and nervous but at the same time excited to be living in this life with so much love. My only instructions were to help in delivering the message of love to all the energy of love already existing in this life. That message is simple. You and I breathe, we share in this life and affect each others life energy in this life. Also the energy of life is affected by us and we can be affected by the energy of life. This fact is the truth that is surrounded by the mystery. This fact, is the incredible beauty surrounded by the ugly. This fact makes us brothers and sisters. Life is as it is suppose to be, it just is. Our lives we lead, although feature our humanity, in reality, the most important aspect of our existence is our life energy. When we see the truth that we are in fact one family our actions in this life will change. We may humanly choose to say and act in a loving way but our inner voice cannot keep the truth of our true belief of our life energy from the energy of life. Subconsciously, we can act out on remote, so if we truly doubt the existence of our life energy that makes us family and not just strangers than we will subconsciously affect the energy of life. So life is as it is suppose to be. How can what I do matter? The fact is, just as up until now in your personal life, if you changed even one decision in it, you would not be sitting here right this very moment reading about my dream. The opposite is true too, now that you know what you know because following your life energy lead you to this point. Truly believing will change your actions in your present moment of time, and in the present moment of time, one decision, one of your actions will affect the future. The first step is conceding your intellectual brain that this form of your is only a shell, the real aspect of your life that matters is your life energy and since we all share in this fact of life, we are one family.
In my dream, I said, OK, lets do this, when do I start? In my dream, I heard, Now!
At that precise moment of my dream, in reality, a millisecond later I woke up with my Son telling me that Mom wanted me up from my nap now. It was such a cool dream and with all that I say about this life while I'm awake, really made this dream surreal.
The truth is, dream or not, the fact remains that the dream does not change the truth of our reality. That message of love is vital for our existence.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Our life is our stage and every day brings a new scene,

Live with the intent to create the best play that’s ever been,

In our personal life we are cast in the leading role,

Collecting knowledge, friendship and experiences as a toll,

Every one we encounter has a play of their own and is also in ours,

We all have different roles and we are all the stars,

Can be hectic with scene changes, egos and ideas to speak of,

Every play will come together when using the director named love,

Not only does love direct but dresses in disguises to act in our play,

To help carry us through the struggles we face living day to day,

Love is always around even when it appears to have gone to hide,

We can never escape love for inside our soul does love reside.


The Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin Lyrics (full album version)


Life is full of lessons we learn as we go,

The easy the hard through people we know,

We may have to learn them on our own,

Our words and actions show we’ve grown,

We are not perfect not always right,

Pick yourself up take my hand and fight.


Unconditional Love will always have their handout. When you love yourself unconditionally, you will not be afraid to extend your own hand.


We live in the now; don’t regret your past,

Forgive mistakes; or you’ll bite your own ass,

The future is always unclear,

Don’t wait for others to make it appear,

Grab hold of your life and live it day to day,

Keep love at your side, it’s the only way,

Love ensures guidance and it will never change,

With love at your side, life is in range,

Targets become clear and within sight,

Follow your heart and what feels right.


Change is my reminder to be consciously aware of my surroundings, to always look for opportune moments in life, that is afforded to us all, all the time.